
Thursday, October 13

Being Twenty-three

Its been a minute since I put up a post on here but guess whats?!

Today’s my 23rd Birthday! My birthdays are usually for missing my Dad but this time, I’m thankful for myself ( and the opportunities I create), Endless Possibilities, Challenges,  Amazing Associates, Manicures ,Wine, God &  My brother!

With them, I'm possible.

Below are some of my precis at 23

1. God is an integral part of Life:  I cannot stress this enough. Even in those moments when all I had was just faith, He has always had me.

2. Don't settle. It's a waste of your life.

3. Ask questions. Lots of it. (Thinking about it now, I know people who avoid me for this - it's a good thing).

4. Men cannot do for women what women can do for each other. You need sisters to lean on, learn from and grow with.

5. Wine is a food group!

6. You need your Mother ... or a Mother-figure.

7. Being Strong is all I know: At least that how I have always been, fighting, taking on and overcoming challenges every day, there's always something more to give. The rewards of my resilience have sure been amazing.

8. Reject Mediocrity

9. Listening is an Art. Be quiet, shut your mouth and open your mind.

10. Respect Your Time.

11. On Love ?  The act of love is in giving not in receiving and getting it back in return is just an extra (LOL). Live freely, love deeply and I don't mean just people but yourself, career, and everything else that gives you that extra feeling. And most of all, love yourself, you deserve your own compassion.

12. On friends?  The gift of a good friend is priceless.  We all need people at some point, to help you grow through the mess and at all times protect yourself from toxic company, find people's whose priorities align with yours.

13.  On Career? Be fearless, go for the jobs you want, trust your gut at all times, invest in yourself (seek knowledge and above all, love what you do).  However, this will ruin relationships.

14. There is comfort in being alone.

15. Appreciate Everything. And I mean everything (literally), the air, food, the roof over your head (even if you are paying the rent), the people who come in and out of your life and the things you know. I grew up too fast, with experiences unfathomable for most people, it's a blessing and a curse but these knowledge have saved me a fortune (time and money) and from self-destruction.

16. Financial Independence is not enough to earn you the respect you deserve/require from your folks (family). It also requires strength, fighting for the things you want & believe in. People be crazy and so are you too.

17. Embrace Your Weirdness!

18. Stop waiting for their validation…your enough will never be enough for them.

19. Your Boss is not a god but respect them (when they deserve it). As insanely finicky and result oriented as I am, I have learnt that true leadership is expecting as much of your workers as they are capable of, but never of more than you are yourself.

20. Remember The Music.  Have a daily soundtrack.  What's life without a little whimsy?!

21. Laughing Heals. Growing up i used to get laughed at because I was a little awkward, I didn't know how to smile and when I was forced to smile , it was scary I think because of the reactions on the faces of my audience. I wouldn't say I learnt how to ...but I just grew up and God knows i need me my daily dose of humor to get through everything.

22. Negotiate Everything. And I mean everything (even in your relationships).  Everything is a game of numbers and something always has to give! I think this way because I work mostly with Men and everything around us revolves around deals, hence to get what you want in life, you have to learn to negotiate. (Hack: A true negotiation ends in a win-win for both parties).

23. Fuck Sentiments they will ruin you.

Take Care of yourself don't wait till you’re damaged. Inhale. Exhale. As you try to keep everything together. That’s the core of the typical life plan

Friday, February 7

Warsan Shire

 I found someone.
 Someone who understands .She's Kenyan-born, Somalian poet, Warsan Shire.
 This is her:"Excuses why we failed at love".

I’m lonely so I do lonely things
Loving you was like going to war; I never came back the same.
You hate women, just like your father and his father, so it runs in your blood.
I was wandering the derelict car park of your heart looking for a ride home.
You’re a ghost town I’m too patriotic to leave.

I stay because you’re the beginning of the dream I want to remember.
I didn’t call him back because he likes his girls voiceless.
It’s not that he wants to be a liar; it’s just that he doesn’t know the truth.
I couldn’t love you, you were a small war.

We covered the smell of loss with jokes.
I didn’t want to fail at love like our parents.
You made the nomad in me build a house and stay.
I’m not a dog.

We were trying to prove our blood wrong.
I was still lonely so I did even lonelier things.
Yes, I’m insecure, but so was my mother and her mother.
No, he loves me he just makes me cry a lot.

He knows all of my secrets and still wants to kiss me.
You were too cruel to love for a long time.
It just didn’t work out.

My dad walked out one afternoon and never came back.
I can’t sleep because I can still taste him in my mouth.
I cut him out at the root, he was my favorite tree, rotting, threatening the foundations of my home.

The women in my family die waiting.
Because I didn’t want to die waiting for you.
I had to leave, I felt lonely when he held me.

You’re the song I rewind until I know all the words and I feel sick.
He sent me a text that said “I love you so bad.”
His heart wasn’t as beautiful as his smile

We emotionally manipulated one another until we thought it was love.
Forgive me, I was lonely so I chose you.
I’m a lover without a lover.

I’m lovely and lonely.
I belong deeply to myself .

Monday, December 30

My Résumé of 2013.

2013 Lessons Learned - 1. Freedom is in here, not out there. Dig it out from where you allowed others to bury it inside you. 2. There is no manual on how to grieve. You’ll break down at the most random moments and curse loudly when it hits you in the chest that she’s gone and not coming back. Let that happen as often as it needs to. 3. Sunlight and moonlight - both are necessary. 4. “A soft answer turns away wrath.” 5. When you stop being bitter and hating them, the nightmares will leave and life will be good to you. 6. “Don’t let people pull you into their storm. Pull them into your peace.” 7. If he wanted you, he would’ve been with you. Period. Move forward. 8. “You scared of saving lives?” (Peace to Aubrey Douglas) 9. Fear sucks and you suck for letting it hinder you for so long. Walk boldly. 10. What you do is not who you are. Redefine yourself for yourself by His standards. 11. You’re enough. Stop trying and just be. 12. “There’s someone voiceless, envious of your ability to make a decision.” - (Peace to Mcenigma Lyle) 13. Janelle Monae’s “Cold War” will help you. 14. You one tough lil’ mama. 15. Prayer and devotion will reintroduce you to God/religion in a new and freeing way. 16. If you don’t sit yourself down and focus, you’ll accomplish nothing. Do it. 17. Encourage someone else even when you’re falling apart. Just do it. You’ll see why. 18. You don’t have to have an opinion on everything. 19. Be open no matter what insecurities try to make you recoil. 20. You don’t know everything and - sweet Jesus - aren’t you happy that you don’t? 21. Discipline! Effing get some! 22. The sweetest memories are always in the little things. 23. He wants to get to know you. Let him, for Pete’s sake. 24. Stop trying to cut your own hair. Just STOP. 25. You’ve got your wings. Use ‘em.

Sunday, October 20


I am neither a being of letters nor of science
But I humbly claim to be a being of prayer .
It is prayer that has saved my life .Without it I would have lost my reason long ago.
If I did not lose my peace of soul,
In the midst of my many trails,
It is because of the peace
That came to me through prayer
One can live several days without food,
But not without Prayer .
Prayer is the key to each morning,
And the lock to each evening.
It is a sacred alliance between God and us .
Let everyone try this experience, and they will find
That daily prayer will add something new to their lives ,
Something which cannot be found elsewhere.

Monday, August 5

Prelude to Forgiveness

I’ve thought about it often. The scenario loops in mind. It starts a few moments before my heart got broken, but plays out differently this time. Originally, I didn’t know what hit me, but this time I’m ready. My senses are keen. I discern when I’m being patronized, snowed. I know the true words from the constructed pictures. I know the sincere smiles from those stiffly pasted on top to keep me dawdling unawares. This time I’m nimble for the moment when I should parry. This time I’m just out of their weapon’s reach. Prescient of my opponent’s next move, I counterstrike and draw both blood and surprise. I pause and turn up a corner of my mouth taking in the surveyed victory.

Had my reality played this way, I wouldn’t have lost my power. So much might not have fallen out of balance. I would not have become a victim and someone’s casualty. As I step away from my imagination, I notice in running this scenario that my muscles have tensed, shoulders tight having not yet left the fantasy. My brows have furrowed and jaws clenched without prompting. The conflict has become so real during this mental exercise, that if the assailant were to appear before me physically, I could easily burst into a commotion of bared teeth and hurled furniture, expletives zipping through the air like throwing knives. It ain’t all good.

There’s just a moment to break myself out before the scene replays again from the beginning, folding another layer over on an already rugged anger. My conjured emotions have produced an ire that is very present and sizzling hot to the touch. The way I’ve rehearsed this vindication so well for so long, I become more and more confident in my ability to perform it. That scares me. That’s not the performance I wanted to perfect. I was supposed to forgive.

The toughest stains

It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s got to do it. These trespassers aren’t gonna forgive themselves… unless they presumptuously do. When you’ve been injured by someone who claims to have done no wrong and accepts no fault, it’s particularly difficult to absolve them. Where you can usually get over offenses with an initial running start, some are so high and lofty that even your best leap only lands you face to their broad side, sliding back down to where you started.

Those are the tough jobs. Those people have to be approached with an already-prepared forgiveness. Like my opening scenario, forgiveness has to be studied and rehearsed over time. You have to play and replay scenarios where you’re unaffected by the aftermath of the offense, until they become more real and present and possible. You have to see yourself being “over it” before you actually are. Forgiveness has to be chosen and premeditated, courted and coaxed. You can’t just uncross your arms a little bit and wait for it. Forgiveness is elusive and catlike. It simply does not come to you on command.

In the places where you have painted detailed images of comeuppance, you have to erase and wash down the walls as best you can. You’ll need space to redraw the possibility of armistice. I’m not even talking about restoring love yet. I’m just laying ground work for both sides to lay down arms. Pace yourself. You’ll have to visualize a cease-fire before one can happen. If not, when the shells stop dropping, you’ll find the silence odd and uncomfortable, think something is wrong …and resume the war as previously rehearsed.

The high cost of forgiving

When you are wronged, you are due a reparation or an apology at the very least. These are things of value that you are rightfully owed. However, if it’s a truce you seek, it may be a good gambit to forfeit what you’re due. Don’t insist it be paid. Write it off as bad debt. Rather than considering it a loss, consider it an investment into the possibility of a future peace.

“Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” —Psalm 34:14

Peace isn’t the easiest to find. There are obstacles. But if you really love it, you’ll go to great lengths to get it. Search it out, hunt it down. You may have to learn some wily tactics. You may have to limbo down to offer apologies although you are the wronged party. You may have to hurdle over hurt feelings, and scale the height of your insecurities. Maybe even take some shrapnel from the criticisms of those who don’t think the person who needs your forgiveness deserves it.

When all is said and done, you may have run a full emotional, spiritual, and psychological triathlon trying to prepare a gift of forgiveness for someone who neither knows nor cares that they need it.

It would be nice if they’d at least act like they want to be forgiven. It would make us feel better about doing the work, but that gesture is not essential to forgiveness. It’s only essential to the ego. The ego demands a petty show of deference. That’s what pride wants. The type of soul that requires groveling and obeisance, would intentionally withhold forgiveness from an offender’s grasp just to watch them squirm. That’s not revenge. That’s abuse. And if that’s how you are and what you do, it’s cheap and sad and you need to upgrade.

If—and this is a big if— if you want to forgive someone, you cannot wait until they deserve it. You cannot wait until they earn it. That will never happen. Even if they know of their offense, they may never be able to pay off the debts they have charged against themselves. That interest accrues so fast. Even if they sincerely want to make amends, there are some heart hurts that just cannot be made up for. So you can’t wait for them to earn it. You’ll wait forever. They can never earn it all. They can never earn it back. They never earn enough. Never.

The higher cost of not forgiving

Why forgive someone who won’t apologize? Why pardon a criminal without remorse? It does sound ludicrous. The guilty should have to pay for their crimes in full. Yet there is more to consider. Although the people groan, the state of California is releasing a number of non-violent criminals from prison. It costs the government too much to keep them there. Let that sit with you for a moment.

“…I no longer want to hold on to that which doesn’t make me strong
I don’t wanna care anymore if it’s right or wrong
I just wanna be whole again
Wanna be free again
Wanna be me again
I just want to
—Rachelle Ferrell, “I Forgive You”

Grudges don’t hold themselves. You have to babysit them. They’re high maintenance. If you decide you never want to see someone’s face again, you have to constantly forecast to make sure you never encounter each other at public events. You have to regularly police your relationships for crossed alliances that may bring them into your path. This never lets up, never lets you rest.

When you really loathe someone, you may roll your eyes and grouse whenever their name is mentioned. You may start to do the same to anyone who looks like them, talks like them, or shares their personality traits. It only gets more costly, spinning out of control. Whatever happened to not allowing someone to live in your head rent free? It’s kind of a big investment of time, energy, and attention for someone you don’t even like.

More than a few studies have linked “unforgiveness” with high blood pressure, immune deficiencies, depression, and stress. [Just as an aside, you should know that unforgiveness is not in the dictionary. Maybe you heard it in church, but they made it up (sometimes that happens). Surprisingly enough, preforgiveness is. Will wonders never cease?]

At some point, you should probably decide that you really don’t care to be bothered any longer with the maintenance costs of someone else’s offense. It’s less of a loss to let it go. Like a totaled car, you’re better off letting your insurance company cut you a check for an amount embarrassingly less than what it’s truly worth just so they’ll take the useless wreckage off your hands.

You will have to finally decide that you want your trespasser forgiven. And then do it. Sign the paperwork. Release them. Get them the hell off your property. It’s more for you than it is for them or anyone else. You don’t have to wait for them. They don’t have to want your forgiveness. They don’t have to sign for it. They don’t even have to acknowledge it.

“You don’t need to discuss much. Just drop off the key, Lee, and get yourself free.”
—Paul Simon

Are you seriously considering this? Is the thought of it making one eyebrow curl up higher than the other? Do you feel like a turncoat betraying all of your heart’s natural defense mechanisms? That means you’re doing it right. You may proceed confidently.

Get yourself free

“Doesn’t really matter what you did anymore
Doesn’t really matter what you did it for, or who you did it to
I forgive you
I forgive you
I forgive you
Totally, completely, now
What a freedom just releasing from my heart
From my mind and soul…” —Rachelle Ferrell

Can you apologize even though you’re in the right? Can you forgive even though you’ve been cheated? It’s more about releasing the wrongdoer than proving your righteousness. It seems very much like something Christ would do. I’m not particularly happy about it, but I see how it serves a purpose. In a world full of things that cause division and tear away quietly at the fabric of humanity, forgiveness does the opposite. It builds bridges and helps fill-in the gaps that offenses and hurts bore into us.

“A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember.” —Lewis Smedes

Forgiving is better than not. Both are an expense. If holding a grudge is what you want, that is paid for in jeopardized health, lost relationships, new lines on the face, and a decreased capacity to love even the people you choose to. Forgiving is healthier, but the ingredients you mix to make that elixir don’t come cheap. None of it is easy. Some sort of sacrifice will have to be made. Either you pay the emotional cost of forgiving their debt, or you pay the emotional cost of remembering it. I suggest you do whichever one you can afford.