
Thursday, October 13

Being Twenty-three

Its been a minute since I put up a post on here but guess whats?!

Today’s my 23rd Birthday! My birthdays are usually for missing my Dad but this time, I’m thankful for myself ( and the opportunities I create), Endless Possibilities, Challenges,  Amazing Associates, Manicures ,Wine, God &  My brother!

With them, I'm possible.

Below are some of my precis at 23

1. God is an integral part of Life:  I cannot stress this enough. Even in those moments when all I had was just faith, He has always had me.

2. Don't settle. It's a waste of your life.

3. Ask questions. Lots of it. (Thinking about it now, I know people who avoid me for this - it's a good thing).

4. Men cannot do for women what women can do for each other. You need sisters to lean on, learn from and grow with.

5. Wine is a food group!

6. You need your Mother ... or a Mother-figure.

7. Being Strong is all I know: At least that how I have always been, fighting, taking on and overcoming challenges every day, there's always something more to give. The rewards of my resilience have sure been amazing.

8. Reject Mediocrity

9. Listening is an Art. Be quiet, shut your mouth and open your mind.

10. Respect Your Time.

11. On Love ?  The act of love is in giving not in receiving and getting it back in return is just an extra (LOL). Live freely, love deeply and I don't mean just people but yourself, career, and everything else that gives you that extra feeling. And most of all, love yourself, you deserve your own compassion.

12. On friends?  The gift of a good friend is priceless.  We all need people at some point, to help you grow through the mess and at all times protect yourself from toxic company, find people's whose priorities align with yours.

13.  On Career? Be fearless, go for the jobs you want, trust your gut at all times, invest in yourself (seek knowledge and above all, love what you do).  However, this will ruin relationships.

14. There is comfort in being alone.

15. Appreciate Everything. And I mean everything (literally), the air, food, the roof over your head (even if you are paying the rent), the people who come in and out of your life and the things you know. I grew up too fast, with experiences unfathomable for most people, it's a blessing and a curse but these knowledge have saved me a fortune (time and money) and from self-destruction.

16. Financial Independence is not enough to earn you the respect you deserve/require from your folks (family). It also requires strength, fighting for the things you want & believe in. People be crazy and so are you too.

17. Embrace Your Weirdness!

18. Stop waiting for their validation…your enough will never be enough for them.

19. Your Boss is not a god but respect them (when they deserve it). As insanely finicky and result oriented as I am, I have learnt that true leadership is expecting as much of your workers as they are capable of, but never of more than you are yourself.

20. Remember The Music.  Have a daily soundtrack.  What's life without a little whimsy?!

21. Laughing Heals. Growing up i used to get laughed at because I was a little awkward, I didn't know how to smile and when I was forced to smile , it was scary I think because of the reactions on the faces of my audience. I wouldn't say I learnt how to ...but I just grew up and God knows i need me my daily dose of humor to get through everything.

22. Negotiate Everything. And I mean everything (even in your relationships).  Everything is a game of numbers and something always has to give! I think this way because I work mostly with Men and everything around us revolves around deals, hence to get what you want in life, you have to learn to negotiate. (Hack: A true negotiation ends in a win-win for both parties).

23. Fuck Sentiments they will ruin you.

Take Care of yourself don't wait till you’re damaged. Inhale. Exhale. As you try to keep everything together. That’s the core of the typical life plan


  1. Happy Birthday Boss!!! You rock

  2. Great read Barbz! Definitely holding on to most of the pointers.
